An Aging Population: Roles are Reversing
What Caregivers
Need to Know About Hospice
boomers, a term that describes those born in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, are finding
themselves in the role of caregivers for their parents. They are now
responsible for helping assist their parents with day-to-day activities,
healthcare decisions, and financial planning. They might be thinking, “When did
I switch from child to caregiver?” As their parents age, baby boomers are faced
with making decisions and getting educated on topics they haven’t needed to
consider in the past, hospice being one of them. Everyone should consider
healthcare options and determine healthcare wishes before they need them to
ensure respect and dignity at the end-of-life. The following considerations
will help lead baby boomers and their aging parents in the right direction when
faced with terminal illness or end-of-life decisions.

like you choose your dentist, pharmacy, and doctor, you can also choose your
hospice provider to ensure a proper fit for each individual person or family.
Hospice is a special healthcare option for individuals touched by a terminal
illness with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live. All hospices offer a
similar philosophy and are regulated by Medicare. Each hospice organization has
special services that make them unique. For example, Hospice of Southern
Illinois has an on-staff, full-time Medical Director, Dr. Ellen Middendorf, who
provides our patients with a doctor whose only practice and focus is on Hospice
of Southern Illinois’ patients end-of-life needs; our employees direct access
to a physician for on-the-spot medication and symptom consultation; and our
community as an advocate for end-of-life options. We also have several other
programs and services including the We Honor Veterans partnership, a Hospice Home in Edwardsville, Illinois,
and exclusively providing hospice care since 1981.
a hospice provider, the largest struggle Hospice of Southern Illinois hears
from families after their loved one has passed is, “We wish we would have
chosen hospice sooner.” We wish we could have helped them sooner. It is a
misconception that choosing hospice is giving up. Really, it means choosing end-of-life
care that foregoes aggressive treatments. Some are not aware every medication,
piece of equipment, and all medical needs related to the hospice diagnosis are
covered at no cost under the Hospice Medicare Benefit. Medicare, Medicaid, and
private insurance often provide reimbursement for the costs. Generous support
from fundraisers and donations allow Hospice of Southern Illinois, a not-for-profit
hospice, to provide care in the absence of insurance coverage. In addition to
saving families money, caregiver support is another valued benefit of hospice
a physician tells a loved one they have a terminal diagnosis and that hospice
needs to be called, it is not easy as you could imagine. The emotions become
overwhelming. After that conversation, everything the patient and caregiver
hear about how hospice can help most likely is not heard. Hospice of Southern
Illinois is committed to patients and families through the dying process and
grief experience. We want to get symptoms under control, provide volunteers to
visit with patients, offer counseling services for peace of mind, and support
and educate the caregiver to release some of the caregiver stress to be more of
the family role they want to be.

most important thing for caregivers and their aging parents to remember is no
one has to go through the end-of-life journey alone. We understand this is one
of the most emotional journeys you will experience. Hospice of Southern
Illinois can make sure patients die with dignity, respect, and comfort they
deserve and want. Hospice of Southern Illinois’ mission is to enhance the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones
touched by a terminal illness. For more information, visit