We Honor Veterans
1 in 4 people who die in the United States are Veterans. With several Veteran Healthcare Centers, VFWs, and American Legions and Scott Air Force Base within our service area, it is crucial for Hospice of Southern Illinois to take strides to provide better specialized end-of-life care and support to the Veterans and their families who served for us.
We are taking strides to become a national partner of We Honor Veterans, a program developed by National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our plan is to educate staff and volunteers on Veteran specific needs, implement policies to ensure important information is collected and Veteran-entitled benefits are identified, and create partnerships with the local Veteran-associated organizations and groups to improve hospice care for Veterans and their families.
As a partner in the We Honor Veterans program we will locate resources (or make contacts with those who can help us locate resources) and integrate best practices into end-of-life care plan for Veterans and their families to provide high quality services they deserve and are entitled to. We are committed and proud to be your not-for-profit hospice taking strides to better serve Veterans and their families. If you have any questions about the We Honor Veterans program feel free to contact me or Stefanie Hansberry, 618-235-1703.
Help us share, educate, and reach out to all who could benefit from this news by subscribing to our blog and suggesting it to friends who will spread our message: Hospice of Southern Illinois is here to teach you what hospice is, what we are about, and what we can do for you and your loved ones. No one has to go through the dying process alone. Hospice of Southern Illinois can help.
Live well, laugh often, and love much,
Christine Juehne
Hospice of Southern Illinois
Community Education
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My name is Christine Juehne, and I have worked as a community educator for four years at Hospice of Southern Illinois, a member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). I will be your hospice guru answering questions, covering stories, and informing you about all hospice topics. I welcome you to our blog! Follow our journey to stay committed to our mission, enhance the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones touched by a terminal illness. If you have further questions about Hospice of Southern Illinois or general hospice questions please feel free to call 618-235-1703 or e-mail me at cjuehne@hospice.org!