Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Technology for Good

Just over 6 months ago Hospice of Southern Illinois started using blogging. Just shy of 2 years ago Relais Bonne Eau, Your Community Hospice Home, accepted the first patient. Over 30 years ago we opened our doors as a hospice providing patient care. Who ever could have imagined that a hospice started by volunteers in 1981 would be continuing their mission and evolving their service to patients, families and the community using technology and social media sites?
No matter if or who imagined it, this brings us to today. We are introducing this blog, videos, now QR Codes, and more to help reach people who may need hospice services, improved quality of life, symptom management and grief support. You may be wondering, what is a QR Code? A QR Code is abbreviated from a quick response code and is essentially a barcode that is code for something, in our case a link to a video we have on You Tube. Go ahead and give it a try. This is another way we are reaching ourt to patients, families and the community. The QR Code is the box below all in black and white. Directions follow it. Let us know what you think!

1.       The first step is the need of a smartphone and a QR code reader from the app store or market (depending on Droid or iPhone). All you have to do is type in QR code reader into the search bar and one will pop up. The download is FREE, so make sure you do not pay for one!
2.       After you have the app, you open it on your phone (the same way you open Facebook, Weather, or Email apps).
3.       You want to choose the option - scan from camera.
4.       Your camera will automatically open up (this may take a couple seconds to a minute).
5.       Then, as still as possible, get the QR code lined up in the box shown on the screen of your phone.
6.       Give it couple seconds to process the code (what it is doing is reading the box to provide a link).
7.       Choose to open it and view (however you prefer YouTube or Browser).
8.       It will take you to our Relais Bonne Eau, Community Hospice Home video.
9.       Press play.
10.   By now you should be viewing!

Using technology for instant access to videos, education and people is not just good, but very cool! We are working our hardest to stay on top of how people just like you communicate and get information. This is one more way we are showing our commitment to the patients and families we serve, making sure you get answers and help you need fast and easy. 
Help us share, educate, and reach out by subscribing to our blog and suggesting it to friends who will spread our message: Hospice of Southern Illinois is here to teach you what hospice is, what we are about, and what we can do for you and your loved ones. No one has to go through the dying process alone. Hospice of Southern Illinois can help.

Live well, laugh often, and love much,
Christine Juehne
Hospice of Southern Illinois
Community Education

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My name is Christine Juehne, and I have worked as a community educator for four years at Hospice of Southern Illinois, a member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). I will be your hospice guru answering questions, covering stories, and informing you about all hospice topics. I welcome you to our blog! Follow our journey to stay committed to our mission, enhance the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones touched by a terminal illness. If you have further questions about Hospice of Southern Illinois or general hospice questions please feel free to call 618-235-1703 or e-mail me at cjuehne@hospice.org!

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